Tuesday, February 21, 2017

2/21/2017: sp500 update

Since 2315 gap up, sp500 had already run up to 2351.16 with 36.16 points gain. The long weekend E-mini sp500 was climbing higher with low volume squeeze up (now in 2153 area). It looks like sp500 will make another gap up this morning (2/21/2017).

  • The technical indicators still look strong
  • No sell or short signal still by daily signal.
  • watch for [2339,2340] area support, if this area no hold, it opens up down side momentum to 2330, and further down to gap fill 2315
  • The upside watch for 2350 break out with 10 points measured move to 2360.
  • The trading range most probably will be [2340, 2360].

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